The sisters form a strong referee duo
This is not the first time the siblings have officiated together at the Gothia Cup Innebandy.

Linda Lindskog and Sandra Lindskog are not just sisters but also a referee duo at Gothia Cup Innebandy 2025.
– I think we have more open communication than other referee pairs, says Linda Lindskog.
The Lindskog sisters, Sandra and Linda, are an experienced referee team. Their credentials include league matches and tournaments across Sweden, such as officiating the final at Gothia Cup Innebandy 2023.
– We enjoy refereeing matches together. During the games, we’re very straightforward with each other and can criticise and challenge one another, but we know we’ll still be friends after the match, says Linda.
Being referees at Gothia Cup Innebandy comes with a demanding schedule. On Friday, the sisters officiated eight matches.
– It’s intense, and there are many decisions to make. You can’t take any match lightly because every game is equally important. If the players are 100% focused, we need to be 110% focused, says Sandra.
The final match of the day is almost the easiest to referee, according to Linda.
– The fatigue sets in a few matches earlier, but going into the last game, it’s usually all about joy and motivation. You see the finish line ahead and feel driven to give it your all, she explains.
Despite the busy days and fast pace, the sisters are always eager to return.
– The joy and emotions are what keep us wanting to referee matches and attend tournaments like this. The kids here at Gothia Cup Innebandy are wonderful and charming, says Sandra.