We have updated the tournament regulations, below are the changes in brief. Please read carefully before you continue with the registration. You find the full tournament regulations here.
Dispensation can be applied for up to five players who are a maximum one year older than the age category that the team will participate in. Players with an approved dispensation can only play for the team where the dispensation is valid. A maximum of two (2) over aged players with approved dispensation can play in each match.
Participating teams must belong to a club or academy that is registered with its national Floorball affiliated association. All players must be registered with the club they are playing for.
Combined teams are only allowed after approval from the tournament jury. The application to play with a combined team must be stated upon registration. No club collaborations are valid during the tournament.
Here you choose the accommodation category that suits your team. You can read more about the categories in the tournament information.
Choose the area where you prefer to stay.
Which school your team will be accommodated at will be published on Gothia Account in the middle of December.
We can never guarantee a certain area
We offer hotel accommodation at several hotels in Gothenburg. There are good communications between all hotels and courts.
If you know which hotel you prefer to stay at, please write the hotel name here
Approximately how many persons will stay at the hotel
Which room type do you prefer
Choose the age category that the team will participate in and fill out the teams outfit colors.
You'll find the age categories in the tournament regulations.
You must make a choice
Fill out the information about your club
You must fill in this field
You must fill in this field
You must fill in this field
You must make a choice
Enter the person's contact information that primarily handles the team's registration.
By logging in with your Gothia ID, your booking is connected to your account and you can see your bookings and make updates via your page.
{{ user.email }}
Prefill the form with information from your account
You must fill in this field
You must fill in this field
You must fill in this field
You must fill in this field
Must be a valid email
You must fill in this field
When you have completed the form, you will receive an email that confirms that we have received your registration. Please check that this email did not end up in your spam.
If you have any questions about your registration you are welcome to contact us at info@gothiainnebandycup.se.
We have received your registration and sent a confirmation to your email.
If you wish to register more teams.
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