New competition - Gothia Master Shooter
Together with our partner Klubbhuset, we will arrange Gothia Master Shooter for the first time. Now, you have the chance to measure your skills against others, maybe you will become Gothia Master Shooter.

Gothia Master Shooter is a competition where players, friends and families can see how fast they can shoot, will you get to the same speed as the best in world? The competition is arranged together with our partner Klubbhuset and will be held at our event area at Valhalla Center, January 6-8th. During Gothia Finals on Sunday, the winners of the Gothia Master Shooter will be crowned.
The competition will be divided into four categories - boys 11-14 years, girls 11-14 years, boys 14 years and older and girls 14 years and older.
The top three participants in each category will compete against each other in a shooter final at Valhalla A on January 9th, in front of an audience. Our partner Klubbhuset will be there to hand out nice gifts after the final.
See you at Valhalla Center!