Gothia Master Shooter will be arranged during the Gothia Innebandy Cup

The Gothia Innebandy Cup will, in collaboration with Klubbhuset, organize Gothia Master Shooter during the tournament in January.

During the upcoming tournament, a fun activity called Gothia Master Shooter will take place in Valhalla.

Gothia Master Shooter is an activity where participants can test how hard they shoot. Anyone who wants to can shoot three shots and then Klubbhuset's laser machine registers how hard the player actually hit the ball.
– The goal is to add another dimension to the tournament. We want to give the participants a fun moment and a small opportunity to be able to develop their game, because not many players actually know which is their hardest shot type, says Daniel Larnö at Klubbhuset and continues:
– As a fun thing, we make a competition out of the whole thing, where everything culminates on the final day when the leaders in each age category get to shoot during the finals in Valhalla with, among other things, a stick of their choice as a prize for the winners.

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