Celebrate the Game is important in GIC

The fair play project Celebrate the Game is carried out for the second time in Gothia Innebandy Cup.

Gothia Innebandy Cup wants to inform parents, leaders and players about how they should try to act before, during and after matches through our fair play project Celebrate the Game.

The fair play project aims for everyone involved - players, leaders, parents, referees, supporters and the organization behind the tournament - must be helped to remind each other to respect each other and think about how to behave in sporting contexts. The project aims to create an inspiring and developing environment on and around all courts during Gothia Innebandy Cup. Celebrate the Game's four messages are This is youth floorball, The referees are human, The coaches are volunteers and This is only a game.

– Our Celebrate the Game campaign highlights what fair play stands for and how we should behave towards each other. That all players and managers who come to the tournament should enjoy themselves and think that the sport is fun is the basis of it all. Through our work with Celebrate the Game, we create an even better environment on and off the court, says Gothia Innebandy Cup's tournament leader Niclas Andersson Freiholtz.


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