FAQ - Referee

When is Gothia Cup Innebandy 2026 played?

Gothia Cup Innebandy is played between January 3rd-6th (week 1)

When does the assignment begin?

Everyone who is selected as a referee during the Gothia Cup Innebandy starts with the obligatory referee meeting which falls on the day before the matches start, January 2nd. Thereafter, all judges judge for the first three days. On the final day on January 6th, significantly fewer matches are played and selection for these takes place during the tournament.

When can you apply as a referee?

The application opens in September.

What is required to apply as a referee for Gothia Cup Innebandy?

To be allowed as a referee during Gothia Cup Innebandy, you must be born in 2009 or earlier and approved as an association referee.

You should have a few years of experience as a referee, preferably at senior level. If you are an association referee, you get a custom appointment in the lowest age groups so that you also have the opportunity to participate.

Will I be called for an interview?

No, selection is based on the information we receive in your application.

When is the last day to apply?

November 22, 2025

When will I be notified if I have been selected?

Not later than 1st of December 2025.

Are there many who apply to be a referee?

Yes, there are usually always more people applying than there are places. The selection takes place partly through contact with the respective district the referee comes from and partly based on the classification and matching the referee has had in recent seasons.

Do I receive a fee as a referee?

Yes, it is regulated in the agreement found on the website. In addition to referee fees and travel compensation, meals and travel by public transport are included. We also follow many matches with referee coaches in order to develop you as a match leader. More information can be found in the referee agreements.

Who is behind Gothia Cup Innebandy?

Gothia Cup Innebandy is owned and operated 100 percent by the non-profit association BK Häcken.

How many matches are there per day?

The average number of matches per day and referees varies, but the benchmark is 6-7 matches but can vary depending on the number of teams, halls and what level of the match and if you have any reservations.

How many matches can a referee have during the tournament?

It varies, but it will be about 20-22 matches for most referees.

How many matches are added in total?

About 1500 matches (about 3000 referee assignments)

Official partner

Official supplier

Market Square

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